Welcome to the Chatham Golden Eagles Local League Program
Our association currently provides softball opportunities for approximately 250 local youth of all ages that play all over Chatham Kent and beyond. Our goal is to promote the sport of softball, and build the level of sportsmanship within the community.
Lil’Sluggers (U5) Division Co-Ed
Lil’Sluggers provides an ideal entry level of play for the youngster who will go on to other advanced levels of the game. It is also a great fitness and recreational activity for schools and community programs as well as the family and friends.
U7/U9 Division
U7/U9 is the next progression up the Softball skill ladder. It features coaches’ pitching to players and umpires officiating. Players gain a sense of fun competition, teamwork and the fundamental rules of the game.
U11 Division
U11 Softball is a program to aid players in the transition from coach pitching to pitch ball. It will be available for children league age 9 to 10. It will be focused on just learning the fundamentals of a pitch ball softball game. It is the youngest division that involves players pitching to each other.
U14 Division
U14 Softball division is the next step to providing the basic training in fundamentals. Squirt division activity helps perpetuate the local league by providing a flow of trained, younger players to replace those who graduate each year out of the program. The U14 division is generally for players aged 11 to 13.
U18 Division
The Local league Midget division combines Major Novice, Bantam and Midget aged girls in order to have sufficient Player and Team numbers.